The Joseph P. Addabbo Family Health Center (JPA) held a Health, Faith, and Community Summer Wellness Fair on Saturday, June 25th. Hundreds of community residents were in attendance to take advantage of the many health screenings, job opportunities and HIV resources available. The beautiful weather provided the perfect backdrop for the festive, entertaining and educational fair.
As attendees entered the beautifully transformed parking area, they were greeted by songs of praise followed by prayers and blessings offered by local faith leaders. Senator Joseph P. Addabbo, Jr., spoke about his family’s continuing commitment to JPA and the community. The attendees also had the opportunity to talk with local elected officials.
The event was chock-full of activities for the whole family: face painting and games galore for the kids, glucose, blood pressure screenings and COVID testing were provided by JPA clinical staff. Residents had access to our knowledgeable providers who presented informative, interactive workshops on asthma, diabetes and hypertension. Music, drumming, dance and comedy performances were provided throughout the event.
JPA’s Human Resources Department was on site to recruit for available job opportunities and received 275 resumes! Our WIC team was on hand and provided WIC program materials to many families. HIV and HCV tests were available and HIV resources and information were distributed.
A designated “Kid’s Corner” was decked out with life-size games and the children enjoyed sack races, egg tosses and many other fun activities. Food and ice cream trucks along with a dessert cart were on site to provide free food and drink and a prize wheel allowed many to win prizes and participate in the raffle. Every attendee left with a gift bag of goodies!
The Summer Wellness Fair was a collaboration between Far Rockaway faith leaders, DHMH and community partners. This collaboration allowed us to offer vision screenings, information about adult day care, healthy living tips, holistic wellness, job readiness training and mental health and trauma counseling. This event will undoubtedly go a long way in helping to improve the health of the Far Rockaway and surrounding communities.
This event was held to raise awareness, provide education and resources and help reduce the spread of HIV/AIDS. We know that access to quality preventative care is critical and JPA remains committed to providing services to those most in need.