Healthy Aging

As we grow older, we will all face some changes – some positive and others more challenging. The one consistent aspect of growing older is continuing to eat healthy and maintain an active lifestyle. Healthy eating can make a difference in our health, help to improve how we feel and can also encourage a sense of wellbeing. The USDA (United States Department of Agriculture) sets forth 10 tips that can help us make healthy choices:

  • DRINK PLENTY OF LIQUIDS- it’s very important to stay hydrated but always choose low added sugars beverages such as water, milk or seltzer.
  • MAKE EATING A SOCIAL EVENT- when sharing a meal with family and friends helps to enjoy them and make better choices.
  • PLAN HEALTHY MEALS- when meals are planned ahead of time you can make sure to build a healthy plate and obtain nutrients needed such as potassium, calcium, Vitamin D, B12 and dietary fiber which are very important for overall health in older adults.
  • KNOW HOW MUCH TO EAT- portion size is very important at any age. Especially for healthy weight and management of chronic diseases such as diabetes and high blood pressure.
  • VARY YOUR VEGETABLES AND FRUITS- the more the variety the better. Most vegetables and fruits are low in calories, high source of vitamins and minerals, and good source of fiber. Add vegetables to every meal or use them for snacks.
  • EAT FOR YOUR TEETH AND GUMS- if you have dental problems, try eating softer foods, cooked, baked, chopped or pureed.
  • USE HERBS AND SPICES- Using spices and herbs can add flavor to your foods without adding sodium which helps your your overall health. That especially keeps our blood pressure in check.
  • KEEP FOOD SAFE- Don’t take a chance with your health. A food-related illness can be life threating for an older person. Clean, separate, cook and chill your food to reduce the risk of foodborne illness.
  • READ THE NUTRITION LABELS- Pay attention to important nutrients such as calories, fats, sodium and the rest of the nutrition facts that are listed on the label. If you have any questions about which to limit, ask your Doctor or Nutritionist.
  • ASK YOUR DOCTOR ABOUT VITAMIN D OR SUPPLEMENTS- These can be a way to help you get valuable nutrients that can’t be obtained through foods due to illness or medication interactions with certain foods.

If you have any questions or would like more information, please feel free to ask to see our Nutritionist at Site 1, 2 or 3.
Get more info:

Viviana Bonilla
Clinical Nutritionist
Joseph P. Addabbo Family Health Center

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